Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A first for some things

So this is my first blog post ever. Which is weird because I never thought I'd blog. Just bear with me as I start this whole thing ah rolling. Let me just get this out of the way for starters...grammar shall not be a strong point for this blog. I hope that isn't a problem for you ("you" being no one because no one is reading this right now. Maybe in the future people will.) but if it is a problem for you, I have no apologies. None. is pretty weird to think that people will be reading my thoughts as I choose to put them up on here. I could make people think I am incredibly smart and bright by copying and pasting from smart peoples blogs. But I don't think I'll be doing that. For now. I guess I should say why I started this blog. Well it's for Link Year. If you don't know what Link Year is I don't know why you are reading my blog because I probably don't know you. So yeah...every friday there will be a new blog post up on here recapping my week, what I learned, what I thought, application to life, what I ate, my every single thought I had during the week, and my sarcastic things. Just get used to those. But I might actually talk about what I eat. Depending on how good or bad it tasted. For if it is incredibly bad tasting I will probably mention it. I also might sprinkle in little post throughout the week if I feel like typing that much. I am not a big word person or typer or wordsmith or stenographer or very magniloquent with words or facund with words. I am bombastic at times though. So this should be fun. Anyways I am going to go ahead and stop typing now. Because I have never written a blog post (something I am sure has been made obvious by this) I don't really know how to end this post. I kinda feel like when you are saying goodbye to a friend and then you both start walking in the same direction and then one of you stops to pull out their cellphone as if they actually needed to look at their cellphone but in reality they just wanted to stop so they wouldn't be walking with you any farther. Yeah...that doesn't really describe this situation at all. Not even close. But thought I'd throw it out their anyways. So yeah...I'm going to go ahead and pull out my cellphone now, just keep walking and move along...


  1. Looking forward to the next post. And you are bombastic. Fo sho.

  2. Is it proper blogger etiquette to reply to comments? No clue. Oh well, to late I suppose.

  3. HAHA, great blog though. I'm assuming since you didn't mention it that the food you had last night was great! I love your honesty in this dude, blogging isn't too bad if you get into it. Check out,

  4. Oh yes the food Wednesday night was the best I have had this whole time I've been here! Props to the chefs. I'll be sure to check out that link!
