Thursday, April 25, 2013

Twenty-First Link Year Recap 4/23-4/25

Since I've started off my last two blogs with statements about how weird it is to think that Link Year is almost over why not continue that trend? Well I don't see a reason why I shouldn't do so. That being said, here we go. Link Year is basically done. I know, it's hard to think about. I don't want it to end. But all good things must come to an end as "they" say. It's sad to see it ending though. I am wondering what this summer will look like, so I guess you can say I'm anxious about that.

This week we had the year end with a great speaker, Jonathan Pokluda. He talked about some of the pitfalls you face in college that you have to be wary of. Well I'll just get straight to the point of things that I really liked this week. 

He talked a lot about commitment on Wednesday. It was really good. He said that whenever you have given yourself to a commitment, you have given a promise of your time. You have given a gift of your time. When you look at it this way, just backing out of commitments makes it a lot harder. Sticking to your word is really important. 

Guilt it a great motivator, but it's a terrible motivator because it doesn't last. JP said this and it really stood out to me. While guilt may work short term, a heart change is really what is needed. 

JP also touched on dating a little bit. He said that one of the goals of dating should be that if you leave the person you are dating, you leave them better off having dated you. You don't want to be a regret they had in their past, rather someone they grew through and learned a lot from. 

He said how some people have a fear of commitment. Make sure you actually make a decision. Even if it's a bad choice, just make a choice. If it's not moral. If choose the wrong thing, It's ok. That's what it means to be a Christian. Don't be so fearful of making a wrong decision that it paralyzes you. 

Guys I can't believe this is my last sign off for a Link Year recap. I don't really even know how to end it. On a light note? Something more serious? Maybe somewhere in between? Should I try to make you all weep out of vicarious living out my sadness? I think I know how. If you are near the end of high school or just a year into college, please consider Link Year. I don't think you'll regret it. Anyway I am done now. The journey has been amazing. Carry on everyone. 

       - Timothy Wright
             2 Timothy 2:22


  1. It's been a solid year friend. I think it's time to blog again.

    1. I think I have an idea in the works, stay tuned

      Btdubs, it took me about 20 minutes to reply to that. The iPad site for this really sucks
