Thursday, April 11, 2013

Nineteenth Link Year Recap 4/9-4/11

I can hardly believe there are only two more weeks left of LInk Year! It's super crazy to think about and while I am excited to move onto my next stage of life, I am also sad to see such a great stage as this one pass on behind me. But I know God has a lot more in store for me so I can't wait to see what is next. Anyway, this week we had a speaker by the name of Austin Ochs. Austin is basically a business man who helps run multiple companies. While he was not a favorite speaker of mine, or even in the top ten, I still learned from him and was glad to see that what he had to say is going to help me throughout my life. His main point was basically how to live a high impact life for Christ wherever you are. It was really cool to see a man who taught on this and also lived it out with his own companies. Well onto some highlights!

Don't grow up to be "Something". Grow to be the person God created you to be. The world will spend ALL its energy convincing you to be anything but that. Where you get your paycheck should be irrelevant. Really just digging into who God has made you to be and being satisfied in that. Super important if you ask me. 

Your pursuit of the Truth is measured by the amount of time you spend reading, memorizing, and meditating on God's Word. Faith is the fuel that turns knowing into doing. Your faith is measured by the quality of your prayer life. Those are all pretty good points he made that I should remember. 

As we mediate on the Word of God the life of Jesus flows out of HIm through the Word and becomes part of our bloodstream. The Bible is the primary means by which we share the life of Christ. 

He made some good points about how helpful reading the Scriptures before bed is really good. Usually what you put in your mind right before you fall asleep is what's in your dreams or what you think about right when you wake up. So putting Scripture in your sub-conscious is really important. I agree with this and have been reading Scripture before bed but still start out my day with it for different reasons. All in all those are both important things to do. Morning and Evening. 

Well everyone that is it. I know this is one of my shortest posts but it was hard to concentrate this week. Let's be honest. But I can't wait for what's in store these next two weeks at this great place! I know God can and will do some great things even in this small amount of time that's left. Live easy and see yah next time.

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